Why a new website? #
Originally, my website was written inside of wordpress, which introduced a few challenges along the way. The original database password was encryted and was lost when migrating across servers. Since then I have grown more experienced with secrets management and with redundancy of such important passwords.
Original Posts #
I still have a SQL backup of the original and may choose to post again with it, but as of the current moment I am planning to use Hugo + Blowfish.
It’s not an original design, but for delivery of content, I do not feel a need to re-invent the wheel or design something. The original goal of the blog was to describe and have a place to write tutorials, etc.
Markdown #
With this new platform, it becomes much easier for a much quicker experience releasing content.
This way I can focus less on the website, etc. and focus more on the content itself.
Version Control & Redundancy #
With the website being in markdown, there is the potential to also version control everything. So if there are any updates applied that may need reverted, or if there is content removed down the road, it can be rested (all perks of things like git).
Conclusion #
The new website update is more of a personal preference. To simplify and to explore new technologies such as hugo. 🎊